RSMSSB Junior Instructor Admit Card 2023-Rajasthan kanishth prashikshak Admit Card, Junior Instructor Roll Number
Rajasthan kanishth prashikshak Admit Card 2023 release date & direct link will activate today (2nd Sept. 2023) on the official website for the RSMSSB कनिष्ठ प्रशिक्षक written exam. Here is a piece of big official notification for all the eligible Applicants who have registered online for Rajasthan Junior Instructor Bharti 2023. The RSMSSB will declare the written exam schedule for the Junior Instructor 402 Posts.
Candidates to get important information about the RSMSSB Junior Instructor Admit Card/ Roll Number visit the Authority’s site
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RSMSSB कनिष्ठ प्रशिक्षक Hall Ticket 2023-Released
Rajasthan Subordinate & Ministerial Services Selection Board अपनी official web portal पर Junior Instructor लिखित परीक्षा के लिए RSMSSB Junior Instructor Roll Number तिथि 2nd September को जारी करने जा रहा है। इस Official notification पद कर से Candidates लिखित परीक्षा के लिए Admit Card आसानी से Download कर सकते है। आपको यह जानकारी उपलब्ध करवा रहे है कि Rajasthan kanishth prashikshak की लिखित परीक्षा में उपस्थित होने के लिए बहुत आवश्यक है। यह लिखित 10 सितंबर 2023 को होने जा रही है। अभ्यर्थी Rajathan Junior Instructor Hall Ticket 2023 Official website पर Visit कर सकते।
RSMSSB Junior Instructor Roll Number-Highlights
The Authority Organisation Name | Rajasthan Subordinate & Ministerial Services Selection Board |
Total Jobs | 402 Jobs |
Post Name | kanishth prashikshak/ Junior Instructor |
Apply Date of the Registration form | April 2023 |
Official URL | |
RSMSSB Exam held date | September 2023 |
Post Category | Hall Ticket |
Admit Card Release Date | September 2023 |
RSMSSB Junior Instructor Admit Card 2023-Exam Pattern: 402 Jobs
Subject Name | Total No of Ques. | Total Marks | Time Duration |
COPA (Computer Operator, Programming Assistant) | 100 | 100 | 3 hours |
GK {Rajasthan History, Culture, Literature} {Ancient History & Geography} | 50 | 50 | |
Total Question | 150 | Total marks 100 | Total Time- 3 hours |
How to download RSMSSB Junior Instructor Admit Card Online?
- The Candidate opens the official web portal of the RSMSSB.
- Now Applicants will be on the official home webpage.
- Applicants press on the Rajasthan कनिष्ठ प्रशिक्षक Hall Ticket link column.
- Click on the Roll Number download link section on the website.
- Aspirants have to enter the necessary details to download the Call Letter.
- Now, your Exam Ticket will be shown on the screen board.
- Download the Admit Card and take a Photo Copy of it.
Useful Links for Rajasthan kanishth prashikshak Hall Ticket
Rajasthan kanishth prashikshak Admit Card Download Link | Click Here |
Visit the Official site | Click Here |
Visit Our Website | Click Here |